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martedì 9 maggio 2017

The Political scenario between Turkey and Europe!

The relationship between the European Union and Turkey has been very productive for decades, from trade to NATO. However, relations have recently cooled down as a result of several anti-democratic episodes in the country, such as the closure of the media and the imprisonment of journalists.

The European Parliament and the MEPs look at developments in the Turkish situation and ask if it is not the case to re-evaluate relations with the country.
After the referendum in Turkey of April 16, 2017, which gives the president additional powers, with the risk of compromising political balance in the country, the situation has further undergone a collapse.

Turkey has been a member of the European Economic Community since 1963 and has applied to join the Union in 1987. However, official recognition as a candidate for accession was more than ten years in 1999, while negotiations started in 2005 .
To date only 16 of the 35 chapters have been opened and only one has been closed.
In November 2016, the MEPs adopted a resolution requesting that the negotiations be temporarily suspended until the persecution of the repression in Turkey.

The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, said in a debate this Wednesday on the situation in Turkey that “the European Union does not intend to close the door to the Turkish people who remain our friend.” At the same time, one cannot look elsewhere when events take a turn in disagreement with the principles of European Building. “Freedom of expression, freedom of expression, are fundamental rights for anyone who wants to join the European Union and the death penalty, likewise, is a red inexorable line.”

Some MEPs have proposed to adopt an even tougher line. “Turkey is going in the wrong direction. It is time to review our report. Because membership of the Union for Turkey is no longer realistic. We must end all forms of hypocrisy,” said German MEP Manfred Weber (EPP). Even English MEP Syed Kamall (ECR) has expressed his opinion: “We must be honest with Turkey that could never become a Member State of the Union.”
Parliament's rapporteur on Turkey's accession to membership, Kati Piri (S & D, Netherlands), instead opposed the formal closing of the negotiations: “There are millions of people in Turkey who share the same European values. Millions of people who want it The Union remains anchor for reforms in their country.”

During the debate, Belgian deputy Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE) proposed to create a new partnership agreement with Turkey on trade and the restoration of civil society: “I think it is crucial to move on to new cooperation and to present a new agreement.” Last December, the European Commission proposed to update the existing Customs Union with Turkey and to extend bilateral trade relations. Once the negotiations have been concluded, the agreement will have to be approved by Parliament in order to come into force. This could be an opportunity to reconsider the human rights issue in the country, as the German MEP Ska Keller (Greens / EFA) said: “We should not improve the customs union before it has made substantial progress regarding the human rights”.

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